Arman Poghosyan participated in the annual high-level event of the United Nations Development Program, "Dialogue on Taxes and Sustainable Development Goals
Arman Poghosyan participated in the annual high-level event of the United Nations Development Program, "Dialogue on Taxes and Sustainable Development Goals

The RA Deputy Minister of Finance Arman Poghosyan participated in the annual high-level event "Dialogue on Taxes and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" of the United Nations Development Program in New York, United States of America, from November 14 to 17 with the colleagues of the RA State Revenue Committee.

The dialogue is dedicated to the process of aligning tax systems with the goals of sustainable development declared by the United Nations: taxation can promote development, strengthen social cohesion, and have a positive impact on key goals in areas such as health, climate change, and public administration. 

The projects cover various areas of tax administration, including the regulation and administration of transfer pricing, the establishment of the institution of advance pricing agreements, and the creation of a digital evidence laboratory at the State Revenue Committee (SRC), among others. 

The New York-based event brought together politicians, tax policy and administration officials, diplomats, academics and intellectuals from around the world to engage in constructive dialogue, find pragmatic solutions and develop an interdisciplinary strategy with innovative tax tools to advance the SDGs.

The New York-based event convened politicians, tax policy and administration officials, diplomats, academics, and intellectuals from around the world to engage in constructive dialogue, find pragmatic solutions, and develop an interdisciplinary strategy with innovative tax tools to advance the SDGs.

The video recording of the event can be watched here.